The All-Hub Data and CyberInfrastructure Working Group was relaunched as an All-Hub working group in collaboration with all four Big Data Hubs. the Data Sharing and CyberInfrastructure Working Group works to: (1) map existing data cyberinfrastructure collaborations, services, and resources; (2) identify Hub member and Spoke project data and cyberinfrastructure requirements and opportunities for new collaborations and matchmaking of need to existing technologies; (3) build collaborations and partnerships to facilitate federated data sharing, computing, and analysis across institutions and partners, leveraging the activities of the Open Storage Network, XCEDE, the National Data Service (NDS), and others; (4) develop a testbed, and demonstrate integration of iRODs, NDS Labs, XSEDE, and Discovery Environment; and (5) secure funding to meet these objectives.
The Data Sharing and Cyberinfrastructure Working Group is actively working in close collaboration with the Northeast, Midwest, West, and South Big Data Hubs, including representatives from the NDS, XSEDE, DataNet Federation, and iRODS Consortium.
- The WG organizes bi-monthly meetings. Eleven experts presented at the monthly meetings over the course of the year. The working group has 126 participants on the group list and 98 on the mailing list.
- Co-chaired by Niall Gaffney (TACC), Christine Kirkpatrick (San Diego Supercomputing Center), John Goodhue (Massachusetts Green High Performance Computing Institute), and James Wilgenbusch (Minnesota Supercomputing Institute)
Links and Resources
PEARC19 Conference: July 29-30, 2019. The event allowed 25 participants to develop a deeper appreciation and understanding for each other, setting the stage for effective future collaboration.