The Social Cybersecurity Working Group is a new working group that will create a collaborative and interdisciplinary platform bringing researchers and practitioners from various disciplines to share, exchange, learn, and develop new concepts, ideas, and principles, aiming to advance the understanding and the current state of research in the socio-cognitive security domain. Join the conversation at http://bit.ly/Hub-SCWG.
Co-chaired by Nitin Argawal and Kathleen Carley
Links and Resources
The Social Cybersecurity Working Group conducted a special day-long mini-conference on Disinformation at SBP-BRIMS 2019. The session involved day long events with three panels on different topics in the disinformation research space: Disinformation Panel on Social Science Approaches; Disinformation Panel on Operational Relevance; and Disinformation Panel on Applications. In addition to the panels, a disinformation data challenge was conducted with poster presentations and the winner of the challenge was recognized and invited to submit their work in a special issue published by Springer’s Computational and Mathematical Organization Theory journal.
- The event was attended by roughly 150 participants from all over the world. The presentations were recorded and made available on SBP-BRIMS’ YouTube channel.
The Social Cybersecurity Working Group developed a website that provides a collection of resources for confronting the disinformation problem that are meant to be equally helpful for the academic and practitioner community.
- Resources include: a list of individuals working in this space; research groups active in this space; tools; datasets; publications; and events relevant for the community.