

Gari Clifford

Principal Investigator  
Gari Clifford,  
interim chair, biomedical informatics,  
Emory University

Christopher Rozell

Christopher Rozell,  
Georgia Tech

Herman Taylor, 

Herman Taylor,  
Morehouse School of Medicine

Indranil Bardhan, 

Indranil Bardhan,  
University of Texas at Dallas

Donald Adjeroh, 

Donald Adjeroh,  
West Virginia University

Ahmed Abbasi, 

Ahmed Abbasi,  
University of Virginia

Nitin Agarwal, 

Nitin Agarwal,  
University of Arkansas

Amount: $1 million over three years  

This project brings together six universities to design and construct a patient-focused and personalized health system that addresses the fractured nature of healthcare information and the lack of engagement of individuals in their own healthcare. By taking advantage of the enormous amount of information generated by real-time, mobile and wearable devices and the availability of rich social media data on patient behavior, the team will create a comprehensive picture of patient health and a tool to help manage patients’ engagement with their healthcare providers. As its first pilot, the researchers will focus on African Americans and Hispanics/Latinos diagnosed with cardiovascular disease. More Information

Date Published
Sunday, August 16, 2020 - 12:00 pm