On the week of July 29-Aug 2, 2019, more than 50 faculty and students from more 21 institutions participated in two R bootcamps at the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga (UTC). The iCompBio REU is supported by NSF Award 1852042, REU Site: ICompBio – Engaging Undergraduates in Interdisciplinary Computing for Biological Research.
The first bootcamp on Data Wrangling Using R was taught by Hong Qin, a computational biologist at UTC. Materials for this R Data Wrangling bootcamp is available at a public GitHub repository https://tinyurl.com/UTC-R-camps2019.
The second bootcamp, Electronic Health Records, was taught by Elvena Fong and Zhuqi Miao from the Center for Health Systems Innovation at the Oklahoma State University.
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Participants from the first bootcamp on data wrangling using R taught by Hong Qin, a computational biologist at the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga (UTC). The bootcamp is supported by the NSF Big Data Spoke award, Integrating Biological Big Data Research into Student Training and Education.

Participants from the first bootcamp on data wrangling using R taught by Hong Qin, a computational biologist at the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga (UTC). The bootcamp is supported by the NSF Big Data Spoke award, Integrating Biological Big Data Research into Student Training and Education.Biological REU
Biological REU
From May 27 to August 5, 2019, a group of 12 students participated in a 10-week Interdisciplinary Computing for Biological Research REU program at the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga. These undergraduate researchers are from Fisk University, Tuskegee University, Morehouse College, Norfolk State University, University of Virgin Islands, Tennessee Technological University, Rhodes College, Shippensburg University of Pennsylvania, the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga. The majors of these students include 3 Mathematics, 2 Chemical Engineering, 3 Biology, 1 Biochemistry, 2 Computer Science, and 1 Computer Engineering. The iCompBio19 includes a total of 8 faculty mentors 2019 that come from Computer Science, Mathematics, Biology, Geology, and Chemical Engineering.
All students presented their REU research results at a poster symposium on July 31.

The 12 student participants in the 10-week Interdisciplinary Computing for Biological Research REU program at the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga. The REU was supported by the NSF Big Data Spoke award, Integrating Biological Big Data Research into Student Training and Education.

The 12 student participants in the 10-week Interdisciplinary Computing for Biological Research REU program at the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga. The REU was supported by the NSF Big Data Spoke award, Integrating Biological Big Data Research into Student Training and Education.