We can’t control Mother Nature, but we can use data to mitigate some of her more destructive occurrences, including floods.
That’s the premise behind a hackathon sponsored by the National Geospatial Intelligence Agency (NGA) and the city of Huntsville, AL. The hackathon, to be held Feb. 25 and 26, will give software developers, policymakers, public safety officials, business leaders, and other creative problem solvers the chance to make a difference in how communities prepare for and respond to dangerous floods.
Participants will work on developing a variety of disaster management solutions related to floods. These could include identifying at-risk populations, and developing applications that perform a variety of important functions, from identifying and locating family members and emergency responders during floods, to pushing out alerts to people in the path of floods, to locating in near real time people in need of evacuation. A grand prize of $3,000 will be awarded as well as a $1,000 second prize.
A variety of businesses and organizations are cosponsoring the hackathon, including GeoHunstville, Vencore, Blue Compass, New Leaf Digital, IBM, DesignLab, Honeycomb Networks, AEgis Technologies, and DAn Solutions.
Register now using the promotional code BC2017-50 and the $10 registration fee will be reduced to only $5. To register, visit http://expeditionhacks.com/huntsville-2017/.
Looking for a job in the field? NGA will have recruiters on hand with direct hiring authority. Impress them and you might leave the hackathon with the chance to embark on a new career.